May 15, 2011

Raven Symone Is Looking Fierce These Days

Raven Symone is back and looking better than ever!!! This young lady has lost quite a few pounds and is hot!! Raven is going to be the star on a new show called "The State of Georgia" which will premiere on ABC Family on June 29th. The show is about a aspiring actress, Georgia, that moves to NYC to reach her goals and dreams.
This is what Ms. Raven has to say about her success and being a mogul:

 They always call me this mogul, but I don’t do it all alone. I have to be honest, even Oprah [Winfrey] doesn’t do it herself. I come up with all my desires and dreams. But there are lawyers, business managers, my mom and other people that do it [for me]. I go to my managers and I say, "This is my life plan. I want this, this and this. How can you help me? What do you think can be achieved at this time?" I surround myself with the right people to help me reach those goals. Whether it’s on a show, in my personal business or within my family, I have a wonderful circle of people that keep everything working. I can’t take all of the glory when it comes to my success.

The Pics are from an unknown photoshoot but she is looking really good. I love the sequin shorts and I love her with natural hair!! You go Raven Symone!!!

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