April 1, 2011

I am not blogging about Chris Brown anymore!

The topic,Chris Brown, seems to be the primary discussion for most people these days. I was asked a few days ago why I haven't blogged about Chris Brown's recent situation. The answer is simple: I am so over Chris Brown! In my opinion, Chris Brown is garbage and is not worthy of being on my blog anymore. That is why this will more than likely be the last time I mention him... Sorry guys! :-/
Do I think he makes great music? YES! Do I think he is an awesome performer? YES! Do I think he is an attractive young man? YES! So why am I acting like this you ask? It's because I have given him chance after chance to redeem himself and the episode that happened at Good Morning America was the straw that broke the camel's back. This dude seriously needs an intervention and needs someone to mentor him and talk to him like a MAN! It's ridiculous that he has these temper tantrums like he does and then comes on national TV and apologizes... Enough with the excuses already! I feel like he will continue to do these type of antics until he is truly held accountable for his actions. I most certainly agree with his publicist, Tammy Brook, and would have left his crazy ass too! She is a professional, not a babysitter! So until he gets it together his name will not be posted on my blog...

If you have any comments or even disagree with my decision, please feel free to express your opinion. I would appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. I actually agree with you! I Love Chris Brown, but he needs to get it together! The are so many current and up an comming artists emerging everyday...and he's gonna miss opprotunity and lose fans if he can't get back to handeling his business and have better control over hix emotions.....
