September 15, 2011

Is Jay-Z A "Checkbook Daddy?"

    The biggest story out is dealing with Jay-Z and a secret baby. He allegedly has a son with video vixen Shenelle Scott of Trinidad. According to sources Shenelle thought her son, Malik who is now 9, was by another man but after doing a DNA test he proved to not be the father.

    The story was initially put out by Jerald Andrews, who is the young boy's grandfather. He claims that Jay-Z is the father and that Shenelle was paid $1Million to stay quiet; he also states that Shenelle bought a house with this money in Trinidad. This same man who put the story out is now denying it.  He is also saying that Shenelle is married to a professional basketball player and he actually bought the house for her. Seems to me like Mr. Andrews got some hush money too...

     The main question that pops up in my head is "Does Beyonce know about this and if she does why isn't she pushing for Jay to have a relationship with his son?" There are sources that Jay-Z pays Shenelle about $40,000 in child support each month but does not visit the boy... This is why I call him a "Checkbook Daddy".

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