July 20, 2011

Kim Kardashian Is Suing Old Navy

    There are reports floating that Kim K is suing Old Navy for using an actress in their ad that looks like her. The actress in the ad is Melissa Molinaro and coincidentally she is dating Kim's ex, Reggie Bush.

This is not a shocker to me because I figured Kim wasn't going to let that ride without making some type of noise. Honestly when I seen the ad I thought it was Kim but had to take a 2nd look. Chick, Melissa, is just doing her thing and trying to make... Kim needs to QUIT and let the girl be.

Kim is suing Old Navy for 15-20 million dollars because she said it has hurt her reputation.
Also Kim is upset because Old Navy posted a tweet with Kim's name about the look-alike ordeal:

"@CBSNEWS reports that Old Navy's Super CUTE star looks like @kimkardashian. #LOL. What do you think?"

Check out a clip of Melissa Molinaro and how she feels about people thinking she looks like Kim and the Old Navy ad


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