May 19, 2011

Beyonce Exclusive Video "Run the World (Girls)

In case you missed the premiere of Beyonce's Video "Run the World (Girls) on American Idol this past Wednesday I have it for you. Beyonce looks incredible and came back harder than ever! She is wearing elaborate costumes, hair is on point and the shoes as well. Bey also is showing us her footwork and if you watch closely it looks like she is doing the Stanky Leg! =) She is catching a lot of heat and people are saying that they don't like the song and that she could have done better, but I think she came back strong! Her album will come out in July and has been in the works for the past year and a half. Let me know what you think about the video!

May 17, 2011

Drama At The Love & Hip Hop Reunion

So hopefully you all watched the reunion show for Love & Hip Hop because I sure did!! The ladies all looked good but you know I have to make a few notes about a couple of them. Why was Somaya's bangs cut so high, like seriously. If you look at Emily's bangs, who is sitting right next to her on the show, then you can definitely see the difference. Peep the pic to the right.  I have this thing that if you bangs are cut above the eyebrow then they were cut wrong.

Then we have Chrissy who is my favorite on the show. She needed the bottoms of her LouBous painted again because they were a little wore out! She looked GREAT but I couldn't believe she had the nerve to wear those shoes. I have the pic of her wore out LouBous to the Left. Of course there was discussion about the proposal and to not much suprise there isn't a date set yet. Now Jimmy's mom, Nancy, is off the chain and I would not be able to deal with her. She needs to let her son go and realize that he is going to settle down one day. Nancy makes my blood boil everytime she speaks!!!

Also discussed on the Reunion show were the beef between Olivia and Somaya's managers and it seems like that drama is still going on. Emily talks about her and Fab. She says that nothing changed after the show and pretty much she is not claiming him since he isn't claiming her. Go Emily!!!!

The Reunion Show was good and I am anxious for Season 2. I'm hoping that Jim and Chrissy start their wedding planning, I want Emily to start dating, Somaya should not be on the show, and I want to see where Olivia's career will take her. I will definitely keep you all posted on airing and when the new season will start.

May 15, 2011

Raven Symone Is Looking Fierce These Days

Raven Symone is back and looking better than ever!!! This young lady has lost quite a few pounds and is hot!! Raven is going to be the star on a new show called "The State of Georgia" which will premiere on ABC Family on June 29th. The show is about a aspiring actress, Georgia, that moves to NYC to reach her goals and dreams.
This is what Ms. Raven has to say about her success and being a mogul:

 They always call me this mogul, but I don’t do it all alone. I have to be honest, even Oprah [Winfrey] doesn’t do it herself. I come up with all my desires and dreams. But there are lawyers, business managers, my mom and other people that do it [for me]. I go to my managers and I say, "This is my life plan. I want this, this and this. How can you help me? What do you think can be achieved at this time?" I surround myself with the right people to help me reach those goals. Whether it’s on a show, in my personal business or within my family, I have a wonderful circle of people that keep everything working. I can’t take all of the glory when it comes to my success.

The Pics are from an unknown photoshoot but she is looking really good. I love the sequin shorts and I love her with natural hair!! You go Raven Symone!!!

May 10, 2011

It's OFFICIAL!!! Ciara and Amare Stoudemire are Dating!!

After months of denying their relationship, I can now say that Ciara and Amare Stoudemire are a couple. The two went to the Met Gala together and also an afterparty. I think the couple are beautiful and I wish them the best of luck. Maybe now that they are official people will stop saying that Ciara is gay. (I had to put that in there)

Congrats to the both of them!!!

May 6, 2011

Jim Jones cut his hair

Now some of you might be happy that Jim Jones cut his hair but I am really saddened by this. I loved Jim Jones hair because it was so thick and pretty!! =)
Comment and let me know what you guys think about his cut

Drama on the set of Single Ladies

There is a new show coming out on VH1 called "Single Ladies" which is a scripted series produced by Queen Latifah and stars Lisa Raye McCoy and Stacey Dash. The show airs May 30th and believe it or not but there is a drama on the set. The 2 ladies, who are known mainly for their looks and not their talents, have been going back and forth at each other through words and now leaving notes on each other's trailer doors... HOW CHILDISH!! Sources say that Stacey Dash is the one to blame and that she is not friendly and very anti-social. What started the catfight was a day when Stacey and Lisa were filming the director stopped because Stacey was doing her part wrong and Lisa agreed with the director. Stacey put her hands in Lisa's face and Lisa then told Stacey to get her hands out of her motherf**king face. Since that day there has been ongoing drama...Like I said there have notes left on their trailer doors - CHECK OUT THE PIC BELOW!

Stacey Dash plays the part of Val on the show... Childish isn't it?!?!